Steve Simon

(Other Stuff)

About Me

I’m insatiably curious and highly adaptable. Both of these qualities fuel my creative drive. 

Personal anecdotes not necessarily related to my Visual Designer resume.


I am 100% Luxembourger. Both of my parents emigrated to America from the tiny Grand Duchy of Luxembourg before I was born in suburban Chicago. This bi-cultural upbringing planted early seeds regarding open-mindedness and adaptability.

My father escaped the Nazi concentration camps. When I was thirteen, I interviewed him extensively about his experiences. I have also visited the camp he was imprisoned in and further studied the history. These experiences have galvanized my empathy for persecuted people and steeled my resolve to help in my own humble way to promote peace.

I have worked and studied on four continents. I have worked in the US, Brazil, Germany, and France and have studied business in Paris, New York, Tokyo, Warsaw, Moscow, Budapest, Shanghai, Beijing, Taipei, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Bangkok. I have also participated in language and cultural immersion programs in Luxembourg, Mexico, and Costa Rica. These experiences have also greatly broadened my worldview while also fueling my art and design creativity.

I have extensively studied history’s great peacemakers. In an attempt to understand how to propagate peace and well-being, I studied three dozen luminaries of social change. I created a collection of art from these studies and have presented the exhibit to schools.

I home-schooled my daughter for four years. My daughter attended a Waldorf School until 3rd Grade but due to medical issues, she required home-schooling. I taught myself the Waldorf pedagogy and taught her hands-on. You can view a video of our 7th Grade here.

I love the outdoors. I once traveled over 15,000 miles inside California in a single year visiting various national parks, state parks, and other wild areas while putting together a collection of paintings. While living in Sedona, Arizona, I went on over 2,000 hikes over the course of 14 years and hiked the Grand Canyon rim-to-rim. Since moving to New Hampshire, I have taken up kayaking and will spend one week hiking Glacier National Park later this year.


Let’s Work Together

(949) 433-8943